About Us

Welcome to Sumedha Technology

Sumedha Technology is one of the top leading Distributors & global supply Partner of Franchised Electronic Components & Semiconductor solution from Global Leaders. We have earned an impressive reputation in the past 10years for providing outstanding service and developing efficient, comprehensive global supply chain solutions, we are fast growing and rapidly developing in recent years to become your Full-service Global Supply Chain Partner..We have supplied quality components to most of the industries in India and we strive forward to promote few excellent products which are well proven and used by the market leading industries. We have confidence to give you 100% guarantee that all our product quality is the top and the best.We have a huge reputation with genuine products and genuine prices in this field.

We constantly strives to offer outstanding value and unrivalled service to all our valued customers. These include OEMs, CEMs, ODMs, EMS and Contract Manufacturers and Tier 1 Independent Distributors globally.Sumedha has specialized technical skills, deep industry knowledge and entrepreneurial ideas that help our clients expedite sourcing and delivery of leading-edge and short-supply / long lead-time products.
In recent year, Since Technology is developing, demand for Semiconductors & Electronic Components are huge, in response to the supply shortage of semiconductors, we help you in procuring the same by increasing the number of manufacturers we handle everyday, pursuing speed & cost reduction to meet a wide range of customer needs.

Company Vision

Our Vision is to be a trusted partner offering sustainable solutions for electronic needs. We not only sell parts but offer solutions to address the issues you face in manufacturing that includes quick-turn PCB assembly services for small builds, various machines and process automation.

Company Misison

Our mission is to provide quality material and cost effective service solutions to our customers, have a profitable and sustainable business in our industry.

Company Aim

We aim to be a company that meets the expectations of our customers by
accumulating trust and achievements by flexibly responding to various requests
according to customer needs.